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Whitetails Banquet 2024

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Attention Members!

Patrick McMasters will have tickets for the Whitetails Banquet this Wednesday at the meeting. Anyone interested in buying or helping sell tickets you can get them there or contact Patrick and he can get them to you. Please remember, this banquet is huge for our club. Last banquet our club gained over $3,000. If only half our membership bought or sold one ticket, we would meet our goal. Please do what you can. If you cant attend, try and help sell tickets. For those of you who have never been to a Whitetails Banquet, its pretty awesome. Great food, buffet style and free drinks all night including beer and wine, with lots of chances to win a firearm, or outdoors equipment. Live auction and more. Best of all, if you win a gun that night, you take it home that night. no waiting 2 weeks and picking it up somewhere. Lets make this the best banquet we've had yet!

Thank you!
Don Hornig
President ACSHA


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We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future.

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