NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Training NRA Courses NRA Basic Pistol Course NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home It is the “next level” NRA handgun course, open to those who have satisfactorily completed the both the NRA’s Basic Pistol and Personal Protection Inside the Home Courses. This course is an intermediate level shooting course on how to use a firearm for self-defense, and requires students to have already mastered safe gun handling and basic marksmanship skills prior to attending the course. (This course is not a basic shooting course and requires advanced shooting skills.) The NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Course introduces students to the knowledge, skills, and attitude involved in safely, responsibly and effectively employing a concealed pistol for self-defense. This in an intensive course, as the student must learn and practice many diverse shooting skills in order to respond quickly and appropriately to the broad range of threats he or she may encounter outside the home. Similarly, the student must learn and understand the unique safety and legal issues that apply when a concealed pistol is carried in public. This course covers the legal ramifications of concealed carry, including who can legally carry a pistol, when concealed carry is and is not permitted, the legal and ethical ramifications when responding to a life-threatening encounter using a concealed pistol, and the legal, moral, emotional, and social aftermath of the use of deadly force outside the home. The fee for this course is $80.00. NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home $ 80 / Person Upcoming Class Dates To take this course you must have completed the NRA Basic Pistol and Personal Protection Inside the Home courses and become familiar with the information presented in both courses. This course does not permit time to cover information that has already been covered in the previous courses but instead builds upon that knowledge to take you to the next level. This course will cover both Level 1 and Level 2 (advanced) portions of the NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course. This course will run from approximately 8:00am to 5:30pm. We do however teach based on quality of training not quantity of time so the class will move at a speed based on students ability to fully grasp each skill taught before moving forward so end times could be earlier or later. Required Equipment Centerfire handgun (revolver or semi-automatic) in good operating condition (students must be thoroughly familiar with their firearm’s operation). Strong side hip belt holster which covers the trigger or a holster purse Sturdy belt 3 magazines for a semi-automatic or 3 speed-loaders for a revolver and magazine or speed-loader pouches 250 rounds (minimum) of newly manufactured ammunition (no reloads) Eye and ear protection Open front Concealed Carry Clothing (jacket, sport coat, or vest) Knee Pads (optional) Lunch (for the student, that is) Snacks and drinks (optional) Pen/pencil and note taking material Optional Equipment Knee pads Water or other drinks Please note the following general rules: You do not have to be a member of the ACSHA to sign up for the course. In order to participate you must be able to legally own and possess a handgun. No live ammunition will be allowed in the classroom (for your safety and ours). An instructor will check guns at the door to make sure they are not loaded. Since class materials must be ordered beforehand, first paid is first served (the only way to ensure your spot in the course is to pay the fee) and refunds will only be available if another participant takes your place. All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver. Finally, there are a few more helpful hints to be mentioned. Dress comfortably and bring a jacket for the range. You might want to bring a ball cap if it’s going to be a sunny day. Wear shoes that can get a bit muddy (the floors of our pistol ranges are lined with stone, but it might get a little messy walking out to the range). We will provide coffee and doughnuts, but as noted above you need to bring lunch, snacks and drinks. All of the instructors at ACSHA are EXCITED about the ongoing opportunity to teach this course. It is educational/informational, safe and FUN! About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Training NRA Courses NRA Basic Pistol Course NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course is the “next level” NRA handgun course, open to those who have satisfactorily completed the NRA’s Basic Pistol course. This course is focused on defensive tactics and pistol-craft in a home setting. It is an 2 day course and runs from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 5 p.m. on both days (with a 1/2 hour lunch break in addition to other short breaks throughout the day). A good deal of course time is spent on the range learning more advanced shooting techniques (shooting from cover and concealment, shooting while kneeling, point shooting, etc.). Classroom time focuses on the law of self defense and defensive tactics and planning. The fee for this course is $80.00. NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home $ 80 / Person Upcoming Class Dates Required Equipment Center fire handgun (revolver or semi-automatic) in good operating condition. Students must have their own gun (no borrowed guns allowed because the students must be thoroughly familiar with their operation). Strong side hip holster which covers the trigger (inside or outside of the waistband, some fanny pack holsters, etc.) Sturdy belt 2 magazines for a semi-automatic or 2 speedloaders for a revolver 200 rounds of newly manufactured ammunition Eye and ear protection Lunch (for the student, that is) Pen/pencil and notepad Optional Equipment Knee pads Water or other drinks It is expected that students will have practiced (both dry fire and live fire) with their handguns since taking the NRA Basic Pistol course. Before coming to the course, they must be familiar with the operation of their gun and be able to operate the controls without a long, focused effort (i.e., quickly reload, operate all safeties/slide releases/mag releases, be familiar with the use of a speedloader if shooting a revolver, etc.) The course is much more labor/equipment intensive than the NRA Basic Pistol course. Please note the following general rules: You do not have to be a member of the ACSHA to sign up for the course. In order to participate you must be able to legally own and possess a handgun. No live ammunition will be allowed in the classroom (for your safety and ours). An instructor will check guns at the door to make sure they are not loaded. Since class materials must be ordered beforehand, first paid is first served (the only way to ensure your spot in the course is to pay the fee) and refunds will only be available if another participant takes your place. All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver. Finally, there are a few more helpful hints to be mentioned. Dress comfortably and bring a jacket for the range. You might want to bring a ball cap if it’s going to be a sunny day. Wear shoes that can get a bit muddy (the floors of our pistol ranges are lined with stone, but it might get a little messy walking out to the range). We will provide coffee and donuts, but as noted above you need to bring lunch, snacks and drinks. All of the instructors at ACSHA are EXCITED about the ongoing opportunity to teach this course. It is educational/informational, safe and FUN! See the club schedule for dates. If you have any questions or concerns about the handgun you plan to bring to a course, simply E-MAIL ACSHA’s training coordinator. NOTE: Since laws regarding the use of lethal force in self defense vary widely from state to state, we can only offer this course to Pennsylvania residents. About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
NRA Basic Pistol Course

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application NRA Basic Pistol Course NRA Courses NRA Basic Pistol Course NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home The Adams County Sport Handgunners Association (ACSHA) offers the National Rifle Association’s Basic Pistol Course. Our NRA certified instructors will teach you the basics of handgun safety, care, operation and marksmanship. It’s a great way to introduce new shooters to handguns and a refresher course for those of you who haven’t picked up a gun in a while. The course runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a Saturday and a Sunday (see schedule below). There will be both classroom instruction and time on the range. A 10 minute break is scheduled at the end of every hour to give class participants a chance to relax, go to the bathroom, grab a snack or just socialize. Class size is limited so instructors have a chance to work closely with each shooter. NRA Basic Pistol $ 50 / Person Upcoming Class Dates Co-Ed Classes and Women’s Only Courses Offered Course participants will need to bring: eye and ear protection (we have disposable ear plugs at the ACSHA clubhouse), a handgun, at least 50 rounds of ammunition for that handgun (100 is preferable), a pen or pencil, and notebook paper. (Please contact the ACSHA if any of the above presents a problem.) While not required, it is also helpful if participants bring: the owner’s manual for their handgun, a holster for their handgun (inside waistband, strong side hip, fanny pack, etc.), and speed-loaders, speed strips or extra magazines. For the “Ladies Only” Basic Pistol Course, 22 lr ammunition and the use of 22 lr pistols is provided by the instructors. Participants will receive the NRA Basic Pistol Student Book and Packet and various additional NRA materials on gun safety, etc. Donuts and coffee will be provided each morning. Participants will also get to take home their targets (to brag to friends and neighbors). The fee for this course is $50.00 for each participant. This covers instructional materials, the previously mentioned donuts and coffee, targets and range expenses. Any excess funds go to the ACSHA for range improvements. Please note the following general rules: You do not have to be a member of the ACSHA to sign up for the course. In order to participate you must be able to legally own and possess a handgun. No live ammunition will be allowed in the classroom (for your safety and ours). An instructor will check guns at the door to make sure they are not loaded. Since class materials must be ordered beforehand, first paid is first served (the only way to ensure your spot in the course is to pay the $50.00 fee) and refunds will only be available if another participant takes your place. All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver. If the weather on the 2nd day of the course (Sunday) is inclement and prevents use of the range, all range work will be postponed until the following Saturday. Dress comfortably and bring a jacket for the range. You might want to bring a ball cap if it’s going to be a sunny day. Wear shoes that can get a bit muddy (the ground of our pistol ranges are covered with stone, but it might get a little messy walking out to the range). Feel free to bring your own sandwiches, snack items, etc. Firearms Based on our instructors’ firearms experience and knowledge, we would recommend any of the following makes/models of firearms for use in our courses: Smith and Wesson Ruger Dan Wesson Taurus Colt Walther Glock Springfield Kimber Kahr Kel-Tec Beretta Sig H&K CZ Browning Les Baer Wilson Combat Rock River STI If your handgun manufacturer is not listed or you have any questions or concerns about the handgun you plan to bring to a course, simply E-MAIL ACSHA’s training coordinator. Ammunition Due to dangerous conditions created by faulty reloads in prior courses, we require all students to bring newly manufactured ammunition (no reloaded ammunition). This is for your safety as well as the safety of our instructors. Add Your Heading Text Here Our goal is to ensure that all participants have an enjoyable, educational and, above all, safe experience. For more information or to obtain a course application, E-MAIL our ACSHA Training Committee. Co-ed Basic Pistol Course – Check our schedule for details About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
Night Shoot

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Night Shoots Shoots Night Shoot Pistol Caliber Carbine Match Jungle Walk Action Shoot Requirement You MUST complete 3 DAY shoots to be able to participate Member $ 10 / Person Non-Member $ 15 / Person Firearms to Bring Pistol / Sidearm Rifle Shotgun Accessories Eye Protection Ear Protection Legally Owned Firearm Ammunition* Properly Fitted Pistol Holster REAL Working Flashlight * Ammunition: 100 rounds for pistol / sidearm Shotgun 50 rounds of 7.5 or smaller 20 rounds of slugs 50 rounds for Carbine About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
Pistol Caliber Carbine Match

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Pistol Caliber Carbine Match Shoots Night Shoot Pistol Caliber Carbine Match Jungle Walk Action Shoot Match Information Pistol Caliber Carbines (PCC) are Rifles or Carbines chambered for Pistol Calibers, typically 9mm, 45 ACP or 40 caliber. Commonly used are AR15, Sig, Kel-Tec and Hi-Point Carbines in a pistol caliber. Competition: This is a safe, fast, fun and friendly completion. Each shooter will make 3 runs, knocking over more than 40 Steel Targets during each run. Pistol Caliber Carbine Iron Sights (30 round mag limit) Unlimited Class (Iron or optics, no mag limit) Pistol Caliber Carbine (rifle in pistol caliber) Public $ 25 / Gun Shot Pistol Caliber Carbine Match Rules Firearms to Bring Pistol Caliber Carbine(ONLY) Pistol / Sidearm Accessories Eye Protection Ear Protection Legally Owned Firearms (in good workin order)** Gloves for Target Reset Ammunition* * Ammunition: Pistol Caliber Carbine – ONLY 400 rounds for Pistol Caliber Carbine 200 for Pistol Caliber Carbine (5 magazines to carry & carry capabilities) Pistol / Sidearm 600 rounds or more (5 magazines to carry & carry capabilities) **Pistol Caliber ONLY Rules ACSHA OFFICIAL RULES FOR PISTOL CALIBER CARBINE MATCHThese rules establish a uniform standard for pistol caliber carbine matches. They are meant as a guideline and not an end all be all.SAFETY IS OUR MAIN CONCERN. OFFICIAL RULES FOR PISTOL CALIBER CARBINE MATCH 1. Safety All competitors are Safety Officers.Our sport, by its very nature, has the potential to be dangerous, and a serious accident can occur. Every participant in a pistol caliber carbine match is expected to be a Safety Officer. Each shooter’s first responsibility is for his or her own safe conduct, and all shooters are expected to remain alert for unsafe actions by others. Range Officers and shooters are expected to confront any participant observed in an unsafe situation, and it is expected the matter will quickly be corrected and not repeated. Any argument concerning the correction of a safety related matter would be expected to result in the offending shooter’s ejection from the range. Sweeping of anyone with a loaded firearm, is an immediate disqualification from the match. While every participant is a safety officer, the assigned Match Officials, as described in this document, are the ONLY persons who may judge a shooter whether on or away from the firing line.1.0 SAFETY – During all pistol caliber carbine match, firearms safety will be paramount.1.1 Safety Rules(1) Firearms will be kept pointed in a safe direction at all times (i.e., Downrange if on the firing line, muzzle down if transporting the firearm, away from competitors and spectators if placed on a table or the ground).(2) Fingers will be kept out of the trigger guard until the shooter is on the firing line and is cleared to shoot by the Range Office and is actively engaging targets.(3) Magazines, whether loaded or not, will not be inserted into the firearm until the shooter has been called to the firing line and the Range Officer has issued the command: “Load and come to the ready.”(4) All persons on or near the firing line will wear eye and ear protection when a stage has been declared “Hot”.(5) The use of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs by competitors or officials is strictly forbidden while a on ACSHA property. Smoking is permitted behind the firing line.(6) All firearms will be unloaded, magazine removed and on safe until the shooter is on the firing line and the Range Officer has issued the command: “Load and come to the ready.”(7) All firearms will be in good functional condition and the competitor will be knowledgeable in the functioning of his gun.(8) All guns will be carried muzzle down. At no time shall the muzzle of the gun be pointed above the berm or intended bullet stop.Violation of any of these rules may result in expulsion from the competition and forfeiture of entry fees.1.2 Release of Liability – Each competitor shall sign an ACSHA Liability Release before each competition.1.3 Knowledge of Rules – All competitors are expected to be knowledgeable of submachine gunpistol caliber carbine match rules particularly as they pertain to safety. A statement to this effect shall be included in the Liability Release and Claims Waiver.1.4 Minimum Age – All competitors must be a minimum of eighteen years of age. 2. Classifications 2.1 General – A pistol caliber carbine match is any competition using full-automatic submachine guns or select-fire submachine gun or semi-automatic rifle and/or carbine.Selection of target types and design of the actual stages are left to the individual course designer.2.2 Classification – For the purpose of competition, Pistol Caliber Carbines are divided into a variety of classifications depending on the clubs taste. Not all classifications have to be used at every match. It is up to the match director which classes will be shot at a particular match. The most common classes are:(1) Iron Sight(2) Optic Sight(3) Pistol Caliber CarbineCompetitors will be allowed to shoot only once in each classification.2.3 Multi-Class Entries – Qualified competitors may enter more than one classification of competition provided time and space are available to do so. Priority will be given to competitors who sign up to compete with the first gun. Those desiring to compete with a second, third or fourth gun must repay their fees for those guns and then be placed on a waiting list in the order received. When it has been determined that all first gun competitors have been satisfied, second gun competitors will be slotted to shoot. When second gun competitors have been satisfied, third gun shooters will be slotted to shoot and so on. 3. Equipment and Ammunition 3.1 Pistol Caliber Carbine – Only select fire submachine guns and semi-automatic Pistol Caliber Carbines may be used in matches.3.1.1 A submachine gun is defined
Action Shoot

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Action Shoots Shoots Night Shoot Pistol Caliber Carbine Match Jungle Walk Action Shoot Member $ 10 / Person Non-Member $ 15 / Person Firearms to Bring Pistol / Sidearm Rifle Shotgun Accessories Eye Protection Ear Protection Legally Owned Firearm Ammunition* Properly Fitted Pistol Holster action-1 action-7 action-6 action-5 action-4 action-3 action-2 * Ammunition: 100 rounds for pistol / sidearm Shotgun 50 rounds of 7.5 or smaller 20 rounds of slugs 50 rounds for Carbine About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
Whitetails Unlimited Banquet March 2023

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Whitetails Unlimited Banquet Blog Whitetails Unlimited Banquet March 2023 Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association Majestic World Lodge Facilities Members, We finally received the corrected tickets and posters for the Whitetails Unlimited Banquet for March 11, 2023. Member Patrick McMaster is taking lead on organizing ticket sales. But we NEED everyone to help sell tickets. This fundraiser is HUGE for the club. Please contact Patrick to get tickets to sell. The Banquet is March 11th at Gettysburg Fire Company. I really would like to be sold out by March 1st so that we can get final numbers to the caterer. Please call Patrick to get tickets.717-965-3572 or 717-752-0490 are his phone numbers. Thanks,Josh TurnerACSHA President About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
Whitetails Unlimited Banquet March 2023

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Whitetails Unlimited Banquet Saturday, March 11, 2023 Evening 4pm – Social Hour 6pm – Buffet Dinner Gettysburg Fire Department 35 N. Stratton Street,Gettysburg, PA, 17325 Public This event requires tickets $45 Single and $25 Spouse or Child (15 & under) Brought to You By Adams County Sport Handgunners Association Whitetails Unlimited Inc. As a nonprofit organization, our purpose is to raise funds in support of educational programs, wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and the preservation of the shooting sports and hunting tradition for future generations. This fundraising event will include a dinner, auction and prizes with a wide array of products such as firearms, outfitter packages, hunting and outdoor-related equipment, artwork, and collectibles only available at WTU events. About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
Whitetails Unlimited Deer Camp Tour September 2022

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application Deer Camp Tour 2022 Stars & Stripes Deer Camp Saturday, September 24, 2022 Evening 4pm – Games / Raffles / Social Hour 6pm – Buffet Dinner Heidlersburg Fire Company 2720 Heidlersburg Road,Gettysburg, PA, 17325 Public This event requires tickets $45 Single and $25 Spouse or Child (15 & under) Brought to You By Adams County Sport Handgunners Association Whitetails Unlimited Inc. As a nonprofit organization, our purpose is to raise funds in support of educational programs, wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and the preservation of the shooting sports and hunting tradition for future generations. This fundraising event will include a dinner, auction and prizes with a wide array of products such as firearms, outfitter packages, hunting and outdoor-related equipment, artwork, and collectibles only available at WTU events. Check out to see what you could win! About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)
CPR, First Aid & Stop the Bleed Workshop

(717) 528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian RdGardners, PA 17324 Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Home Facilities Fundraising Media Schedule Gun Safety Contact Our Forum Newsletter Sign Up Shoots Range Rules NRA Courses Membership Application CPR, First Aid & Stop the Bleed Workshop Saturday, August 27, 2022 Two Classes 9am – 12pm 1pm – 4pm Heidlersburg Fire Company 2720 Heidlersburg Road,Gettysburg, PA, 17325 Public This event is open to the public Brought to You By Adams County Sport Handgunners Association This is a Fund Raiser for Adams County Sport Handgunners. All information is on the attached Poster. Please mark your calendar if you plan to attend. There is no pre-registration, just show up at the time you choose and bring your payment of $100.These are Life Saving skills that everyone should have.Please share and invite others. About Us We provide a premier, safe and environmentally responsible facility, which ensures that its membership can pursue their respective sporting disciplines in a safe, professional yet friendly and supportive environment that fosters skills development and good sportsmanship for all ages, both now and in the future. Our Servces Home Shoots NRA Courses Pricing Gun Safety Quick Link Contact Range Rules Application Newsletter Forum Contact Us +1 717-528-8034 1540 Upper Bermudian Rd Gardners, PA 17324 Facebook Instagram More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users)